
Web Resources

Good Spirit School Division
Horizon School Division
Black Gold Regional Schools

Key Resources*

Math Makes Sense

K-Grade 2: Math Makes Sense by Pearson including the Teacher Guide, Big Math Book, Reproducible Student Pages; Audio CD; Little Books (with a
teacher guide); Combined Grade Guide (Note: K does not have reproducible student pages)
Grades 3-6: Math Makes Sense by Pearson including the Pro-Guide, Reproducible Practice and Homework Book (including a Teacher's Edition); Combined Grade Guide
Grades 7-8: Math Makes Sense by Pearson including the Pro-Guide, Reproducible Practice and Homework Book (including a Teacher's Edition) and Extra Practice and Test Generator; Combined Grade Guide

Student Literature

There is a booklet called "Grade _ Planning and Assessment Support" in each Math Makes Sense Teacher Guide/ProGuide binder. (This would also be available on the CD-ROM found in each binder.) In this booklet there is a section called "From the Library" or "Literature Connections", and this section has a list of recommended literature for both students and teachers.

Teacher Resources

Elementary and Middle School Mathematics by John Van de Walle
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics by John Van de Walle (K-3, Grades 3-5, Grades 5-8)
Numeracy Nets (K-Grade 2, Grades 3-8) NEW, January 2013: Pearson has translated Numeracy Nets for French teachers, and you can download these files by going to the Pearson website and accessing the National Version.
Problem Solver Binders (Grades 1-8)
Exemplar Problem Sovling Tasks (K-Grade 8)
Math to the Max (Grades 1-8) (English and French)
L'enseignement des mathematicques (Grades 1-3)

*Please Visit RBE Mathematics Instruction Web Site for a complete list of web links, resources, presentations, rubrics, and documents.